African Export-Import Bank (AFREXIMBANK) |
FAPA Grant to Support the Capacity Building of Emerging Factoring Firms in Africa. |
1. The African Export-Import Bank (AFREXIM) has received a USD500,000 grant from the African Development Bank Group (Fund for African Private Sector Assistance (FAPA) Grant) to finance the capacity building of emerging factoring firms in Africa. 2. The principal objective of this project is to support capacity building (including back office) of emerging factoring firms, provide advisory services to enhance sustainability of established firms, and support the setting up of a sustainable knowledge and learning platform, which will continuously build and upgrade skills required in the factoring industry. 3. The Grant will finance activities under the following Components: Component 1: Capacity Building of Emerging and Established Factoring Firms This component will support on site capacity building targeting up to twenty (20) emerging factoring companies and no more than six (6) established factoring companies. It will encompass on-site trainings, provision of customized manuals for marketing, credit & risk policy manuals, as well as manuals for finance and operations, legal and transaction templates, and back-office support systems. Component 2: Development of a sustainable knowledge and learning platform This component will have three main activities, namely, E-Learning, Workshop, and Certificate of Finance in International Trade (“COFIT”). The E-Learning platform will be essential for the dissemination of knowledge and empowering participants with relevant skills in factoring in Africa. (a) Component 3: Project Management Coordination 4. Procurement of goods and/or works and the acquisition of the services of Consultants will be in accordance with the AfDB’s Procurement Policy Framework for Bank Group Funded Operations, approved in October 2015 Bidding documents are expected to be available in December 2019. 5. Interested bidders may obtain further information, and should confirm their interest, by contacting: African Export Import Bank 72B El-Mahaad El-Eshteraky Street Roxy, Heliopolis Cairo 113441, Egypt Att: Mrs. Kanayo Awani +(202) 24564100/1/2/3